Spooky Stories That Aren't So Gory

Tag: For Kids

Ghost Club | A Supernatural Adventure Story

Liam stood at the edge of the old schoolyard, staring up at the abandoned brick building that loomed like a giant, dark shadow against the night sky. The moon was nearly full, casting long, crooked shadows across the cracked pavement, and the wind whispered through the broken windows like a warning, carrying with it the faint scent of mildew and age.

Locker 13 | A Spooky Ghost Story

Becky stood in front of the old metal locker, her new locker. Rust crept around the edges like it had been there for ages, biding its time, and the number “13” was scratched and faded, barely visible in the dim hallway. She pushed her braided hair behind her ear and glanced over at Oscar, who was peering down the hallway like he expected a ghost to jump out at any moment.

a girl reads a cursed diary

Dark Diary | A Spooky Story From California

Part 1: The Move

Summerville was a town that seemed to be frozen in time. The houses, all brightly colored and perfectly maintained, looked as if they were plucked from a postcard sent from the 1920s. The streets were lined with old-fashioned lampposts, and the sidewalks were always clean, with flowers blooming in every garden. It was the kind of place that felt warm and inviting, as if nothing bad could ever happen there.

cry wolf with max and jack in the woods

Cry Wolf | A Scary Monster Story For Kids

Max and Jack had been best friends for as long as either of them could remember. They lived in a small town where everyone knew each other, and the two boys were inseparable. Whether they were biking through the quiet streets or exploring the dense woods that bordered the town, they were always together, always on the lookout for their next adventure.

Impostor | A Scary Monster Story For Kids

I always loved visiting Grandma. Her house was like a second home, filled with the smell of fresh cookies and the soft hum of her favorite radio station. But this time, something felt different. The moment I stepped inside, a chill ran down my spine, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.

Creepy Carnival | A Supernatural Story For Kids

The last rays of the setting sun painted the sky in shades of orange and pink as the Johnson family drove down a lonely road in the Iowa countryside. They were on their way back from a long day of visiting relatives when Ben, the ten-year-old boy in the back seat, noticed something strange in the distance.

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